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AMDT M4P Approach

Transforming Tanzania agricultural subsectors through market system development

Generate Evidence
Identify systemic constraints and their root causes
Pilot and Assess
Pilot innovative ways to address identified constraints
Scale-Up and Assess
Create awesome and great looking websites.
Knowledge Management
Promotion and practice of the M4P in agriculture

Transforming Tanzania Agricultural Subsectors
through Market Systems Development

Uboreshaji Mifumo ya Masoko ya Kilimo Tanzania

Current interventions in Sunflower
Impacting livelihoods and communities
Sekta ndogo ya Alizeti
Kukuza biashara ya mafuta ya kula

Juhudi za kuendeleza zao la Alizeti

Tanzania ni mzalishaji mkubwa wa Alizeti barani Afrika, lakini bado tunaagiza tani 400,000 za mafuta ya kula kuhudumia mahitaji ya tani 650,000 kwa mwaka.

Sekta ndogo ya Mikunde
Msingi wa usalama wa chakula na lishe

Uwezeshaji kuendeleza sekta ya Mikunde

Mikunde, ikiwemo maharage, ni moja ya mazao muhimu sana kwa usalama wa chakula na lishe nchini, hukuTanzania ikiwa moja ya nchi wazalishaji wakubwa zaidi barani Afrika.

Current interventions in Pulses
Impacting livelihoods and communities

Over +15,000 happy farmers!


Food Produced


Acres Harvested


Support Given


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Our Development Partners

Agriculture Knowledge Sharing

Faida za M4P

Usambazaji maarifa ya KilimoBiashara

Jifunze kupitia video, redio na machapisho yetu

Discover objectives that drive our work.

Outcome 1
Smallholder farmers and related MSMEs are more able to compete and prosper in selected agricultural markets (i.e., supporting functions are improved).
Outcome 2
The enabling environment is improved in agricultural value chains (i.e., rules, norms, regulations, policy, information/knowledge, coordination and trust).
Uboreshaji wa Mifumo ya Masoko ya Kilimo - Market Systems Development
Smallholder farmers and related MSMEs are more able to compete and prosper in selected agricultural markets (i.e., supporting functions are improved).
Uboreshaji wa Mifumo ya Masoko ya Kilimo - Market Systems Development
Smallholder farmers and related MSMEs are more able to compete and prosper in selected agricultural markets (i.e., supporting functions are improved).
Audio Title
Smallholder farmers and related MSMEs are more able to compete and prosper in selected agricultural markets (i.e., supporting functions are improved).
Audio Title
Smallholder farmers and related MSMEs are more able to compete and prosper in selected agricultural markets (i.e., supporting functions are improved).
Audio Title
Smallholder farmers and related MSMEs are more able to compete and prosper in selected agricultural markets (i.e., supporting functions are improved).

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    AMDT’s program components are centered around these pillars

    Market Facilitation
    The aim of AMDT’s market facilitation interventions is to build the capacity and incentives among target market actors so as to bring about sustained large scale pro-poor changes in the selected market systems.
    Strategic Advice
    Where AMDT will facilitate and leverage the influence and capacities of selected partners and stakeholders to enable the improvement of the business environment for the benefit of the productive poor and agricultural MSMEs.