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Vision of Change and Intervention Activities:

  • Productive services (inputs, extension services) are visible, equitable and accessible to small-scale farmers.
  • Small-scale farmers adapt their farming behaviors to practice appropriate climate smart agriculture techniques in their farms.
  • Market systems actors have increased understanding on equitably engaging poor rural women and youth in the sunflower value chain in Iringa and Njombe Regions
  • Small oil-mill processors in Iringa and Njombe are accessing markets with high quality virgin sunflower oil
  • Advocacy Champions (50% women) are capacitated and representing regional sunflower value chain actor’s needs.

Business Partners (Core value chain actors – farmers, inputs providers, processors, buyers):

SDC, LITENGA, Outassurance, IRISOPA, Farmers, Processors, SUNDY, NMB, agro dealers etc.