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Our Objectives

The Agricultural Markets Development Trust (AMDT) works so that the incomes and employment opportunities of poor women, men and young people are increased in agricultural Value Chains in Tanzania. It aims to achieve this through two key outcomes:

Matokeo Makuu

Kushughulikia Vipaumbele Katika Ukuaji wa Sekta ya Kilimo

AMDT inafanya kazi ili kufungua fursa za ajira na kipato kwenye kilimo kwa jamii maskini za wakulima wadogo. Lengo ni kuinua wanawake, vijana na wanaume. Matokeo Makuu tunayolenga ni:


La Kwanza

Wakulima wadogo na biashara za Kilimo zinastawi na kukuza ushindani katika mifumo ya masoko ambayo AMDT inawezesha uboreshaji wake (mf. maboresho ya huduma saidizi).

La Pili

Mazingira ya ufanyaji biashara yanaboreshwa kwenye sekta za Kilmo (mf., sheria, sera, taratibu, taarifa/maarifa, uratibu nk.)

modify or copy the materials;
use the materials for any commercial purpose;
transfer the materials to another person or materials;
attempt to decompile or reverse engineer any software;
remove any copyright or other proprietary notations;
transfer the materials to another person or “mirror” the materials.
We will collect personal information by lawful and fair means and, where appropriate, with the knowledge or consent of the individual concerned.
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